+49 (0)89 5994433-21
AKKON AG -> History


AKKON's corporate history
Appenzell Emblem

AKKON AG was founded in Switzerland at the end of 2008 as a shareholding company. Our head office is located in Appenzell, the smallest and one of the most beautiful cantons in Switzerland.

We have chosen Appenzell-Innerhoden because the beautiful nature surrounding us there always reminds us of the importance for saving and protecting the environment. For coming closer to the preservation goals we develop economical, environmental solutions and introduce them into the market across the globe.

We have two 100% subsidiaries in Germany, AKKON Solar GmbH and Odeon Capital Management GmbH. AKKON Solar focuses on the development and sales of self-sufficient solutions (off-grid, smart-grid and grid-connected) for end-consumers. Odeon Capital provides consulting, financial and insurance advisory services, and asset management.